
Ward Nutrition Dietitians cover a variety of Nutrition related areas. Here are some of our blogs for you to read.

How To Manage A Temperamental Gut (without changing your diet)
Claire Ward Claire Ward

How To Manage A Temperamental Gut (without changing your diet)

If you read past the title, it is likely because you experience either bloating, pain, excessive wind, diarrhoea, constipation or a mix of everything! All the confusion around your gut symptoms can cause anxiety around social settings (most of which are food-focused!), stress around needing to know where the nearest toilet is, and frustrations with the bathroom being your most used room in the house. If this sounds all too familiar, keep reading to gain some insight into regular bowel movements, strategies that might help with bloating, and what to do come the new year.

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Top Tips for Healthy Eating Over Christmas
Claire Ward Claire Ward

Top Tips for Healthy Eating Over Christmas

Christmas is a time of year to enjoy with family and friends! Festive food and drinks are often the focus of this time of year. It is important to remember you can relax and enjoy the great tasting food, whilst keeping on track with your healthy habits.

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Healthy Eating on a Budget
Claire Ward Claire Ward

Healthy Eating on a Budget

With the cost of some fresh fruits and vegetables on the rise at the moment you may be thinking ‘why is eating healthy so expensive?’ The good news is – it doesn’t have to be! Here are some of our top tips and tricks for a healthy and balanced diet that won’t break the bank.

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Fuelling for Sport: Young Athletes
Claire Ward Claire Ward

Fuelling for Sport: Young Athletes

Fuelling our bodies for sport and exercise is important for all ages, especially adolescents and young athletes. How can adolescent athletes fuel their bodies with appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fluids to support growth and development as well as meet energy demands for exercise?

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How Does Your Sleep Quality Impact Weight Loss?
Claire Ward Claire Ward

How Does Your Sleep Quality Impact Weight Loss?

It is estimated between 33-45% of Australian adults are falling short of the recommended 8 hours of quality sleep each night. Recently, studies have shown a link between sleep quality, duration and the effectiveness of weight loss interventions. How are they connected and how do your sleep patterns influence weight loss?

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Popular Diet Trends: Juice Plus+
Claire Ward Claire Ward

Popular Diet Trends: Juice Plus+

Chances are you have heard of the popular health company, Juice Plus+ but what exactly is this diet trend? What does the research say? And is it worth your money? In this blog we break it down.

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Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe?
Claire Ward Claire Ward

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe?

Artificial sweeteners are used due to their intensely sweet qualities. This means a food will only need a fraction of the sweetener compared to amount of sugar to achieve the same sweetness, reducing calorie content. Are they safe? What does the research suggest?

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The Ins and Outs of Coeliac Disease
Claire Ward Claire Ward

The Ins and Outs of Coeliac Disease

1 in 70 Australians have Coeliac Disease but 4 out of 5 remain undiagnosed. Have you ever wondered what it is, how it is diagnosed and who is at risk?

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Which Pregnancy Supplements Do You Need?
Claire Ward Claire Ward

Which Pregnancy Supplements Do You Need?

Are you confused about what and if you need prenatal supplements. Then read this blog for some handy tips of what vitamins and minerals are important preconception and during pregnancy

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